RSVP Services
Save Money! Get quicker and more accurate responses to your invitation! Guests can easily change their response! Greetings can be Personalized by you! Guests do not have a card to lose! One low price for all responses! Guests can have their call connected directly with the lodging facility!
We will provide you with a Toll-Free telephone number and extension to print directly on your invitations. Your guests will have 24-hour access to respond. You will have unlimited message capacity with local access, or toll-free access from anywhere in the country! This service is helpful for Weddings; Banquets; Anniversary Parties; Graduation Parties; Business Seminars; or, any event requiring an RSVP! Any of our customer service representatives can provide you with a quote. An average wedding using this service for two months would spend far less than the price of RSVP cards and postage! You will have a more accurate response rate.
For more information, to receive a quote, or to place an order, please contact Service Solutions at 218-741-0950 or 888-741-0950.
RSVP Toll-Free Demo ~ Check it out anytime!
Call 218-742-9777 or 877-445-7787
RSVP Toll-Free Order Form ~ Please enter events details below
If for an engagement, wedding or anniversary, please include the names of both partners