RSVP Services

Save Money!  Get quicker and more accurate responses to your invitation!  Guests can easily change their response!  Greetings can be Personalized by you!  Guests do not have a card to lose!  One low price for all responses! Guests can have their call connected directly with the lodging facility!

We will provide you with a Toll-Free telephone number and extension to print directly on your invitations.  Your guests will have 24-hour access to respond.  You will have unlimited message capacity with local access, or toll-free access from anywhere in the country! This service is helpful for Weddings; Banquets; Anniversary Parties; Graduation Parties; Business Seminars; or, any event requiring an RSVP! Any of our customer service representatives can provide you with a quote.  An average wedding using this service for two months would spend far less than the price of RSVP cards and postage!  You will have a more accurate response rate.

For more information, to receive a quote, or to place an order, please contact Service Solutions at 218-741-0950 or 888-741-0950.

RSVP Toll-Free Demo ~ Check it out anytime!
Call 218-742-9777 or 877-445-7787

RSVP Toll-Free Order Form ~ Please enter events details below

If for an engagement, wedding or anniversary, please include the names of both partners

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
If for an engagement, wedding or anniversary, please include the names of both partners
Please choose the type of event
MM/DD/YYYY – (We suggest you have the service continue for one week past the RSVP deadline date)
Will anything else be sent with the invitations? (Hotel RSVP, etc.?)